As a passenger, you must trust that the driver will ensure you arrive safely at your destination. But sadly, that isn’t always the case. If you are injured in an accident as a passenger, you may be out of work and have medical expenses to address, so it is essential to know exactly what steps to take to ensure your physical and financial well-being.
First, you need to assess if you are injured. If you can, safely exit the vehicle. If you are severely injured, call 911 and ask for emergency assistance immediately.
Next, contact the police and file a police report. This is an essential step in any insurance and personal injury filing process and ensures an accurate account of events is taken.
During this process, ensure that you have both your driver and the other driver’s license, vehicle, and insurance information. You will need the vehicle make, model, year, and license plate of all vehicles involved in the car accident. It is also vital that you have their insurance providers and policy numbers to file a claim. You can file the claim with your insurance as well as both driver’s insurance companies.
If there are witnesses, make sure the police are interviewing them and have their accounts of the car accident noted in the report.
After that, as a personal injury victim and passenger of a car accident, you will need to file a claim and work with insurance to prove a driver’s liability. It is best to hire a personal injury at this point to help you, as the passenger, work with the drivers and insurers to find who is at-fault for the car accident.
If you sustain significant injuries, you may need to sue the at-fault party to cover long-term treatment and medical care. This medical situation could cause you to suffer continuous financial losses, so you will need assistance and coverage going forward.
Personal injury lawsuits can be exceedingly difficult to navigate, and it is best that you do not represent yourself as the passenger in the car accident.
A Free Consultation with the Law Brothers®
If you or a loved one have been injured as a passenger in a car accident, reach out the Law Brothers® at (800) 222-2222 for a free case evaluation as soon as possible. The Law Brothers® will take care of every step of the process and won’t charge a cent unless you win your personal injury case.