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Main Causes Of Pedestrian Accidents – How To Sue If You’ve Been Injured

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Imagine taking a leisurely stroll on a sunny day when, out of nowhere, a car speeds past you, narrowly missing you by mere inches. This harrowing experience serves as a stark reminder of the importance of pedestrian safety.

In this blog post, we’ll explore common causes of pedestrian accidents, how to identify responsible parties, legal rights, compensation options, and the role of a pedestrian accident lawyer. We’ll also provide tips for choosing the right attorney and share safety tips for both drivers and pedestrians to help prevent such accidents.

For a Los Angeles car accident attorney and other related injuries, be sure to contact Law Brothers for a free consultation.

Key Takeaways

  • Common causes of pedestrian accidents include distracted driving, speeding and reckless driving, poor visibility & weather conditions.

  • Identifying responsible parties in a case is essential for fair compensation. Drivers may be liable for negligence, while pedestrians can still receive compensation depending on the laws of their jurisdiction.

  • Preventing such accidents requires both drivers and pedestrians to follow safety tips such as staying alert and visible, obeying traffic laws, and avoiding distractions

Understanding Pedestrian Accidents: Common Causes and Scenarios

Pedestrian accidents can have devastating consequences, often resulting in serious injuries or even pedestrian deaths. Various factors contribute to these accidents, from driver negligence to poor visibility and weather conditions. To reduce pedestrian injuries, it is important to be aware of when and where pedestrian accidents occur in order to take preventive measures.

Regardless of the cause, pedestrian accidents can lead to substantial financial costs, such as immediate medical bills and potential long-term medical expenses. Knowing the common causes and scenarios of pedestrian accidents can help both drivers and pedestrians stay safe on the road and avoid tragic outcomes.

Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is a leading cause of pedestrian accidents, as it diverts the driver’s attention away from the road, increasing the risk of a collision with pedestrians. Some examples of activities that can lead to distracted driving include:

  • Texting

  • Talking on the phone

  • Eating

  • Adjusting the radio

As a pedestrian, you cannot control what drivers are doing, but it’s essential to be aware of the dangers posed by distracted drivers and to take extra precautions when crossing roads and navigating busy streets.

Speeding and Reckless Driving

Something else that can increase the risk of pedestrian accidents is speeding and reckless driving. Drivers who speed or engage in reckless behavior, such as aggressive driving and disregarding traffic signals, may not have enough time to react to pedestrians in their path. This can result in serious injuries or even fatalities, especially when pedestrians are crossing the street improperly or not using designated crosswalks.

It’s crucial for both motor vehicle drivers and pedestrians to abide by traffic laws and remain vigilant to reduce the risk of accidents.

Poor Visibility and Weather Conditions

fog on a road

Poor visibility and weather conditions can also contribute to pedestrian accidents. Drivers may struggle to see pedestrians in dimly lit or dark conditions or react to sudden changes in road conditions due to rain, snow, or fog.

Did you know that despite the implementation of various measures, such as yield markings and flashing LED lights to protect pedestrians on UMCs, there are still situations where pedestrians remain vulnerable to danger. This is why pedestrians should take precautions to stay visible in low light conditions and be aware of their surroundings, while drivers must remain attentive and cautious in adverse weather conditions.

Identifying Responsible Parties in Pedestrian Accident Cases

pedestrians, people, busy

In pedestrian accident cases, it’s crucial to identify the responsible parties to ensure that the injured pedestrian receives fair compensation for their injuries and losses. This process may involve determining driver negligence, pedestrian fault, or even third-party liability.

By identifying the responsible parties, the injured pedestrian can pursue a personal injury claim and seek compensation for their medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. A skilled pedestrian accident attorney can help navigate this process and provide valuable legal counsel.

Driver Negligence

Driver negligence is a common factor in pedestrian accidents. Some examples of driver negligence include:

  • Failing to yield

  • Driving under the influence

  • Speeding

  • Distracted driving

These actions can result in collisions with pedestrians.

What happens if a driver’s negligence is found to be the cause of a pedestrian accident? They may be held responsible for the injuries and damages sustained by the pedestrian. In such cases, an experienced pedestrian accident lawyer can help the injured party seek compensation for their losses.

Pedestrian Fault

However, sometimes the accident is the pedestrian’s fault. This is when the person is jaywalking or not using crosswalks, which can also contribute to accidents. In cases where the pedestrian’s actions directly caused or contributed to the accident, they may be held partially or fully responsible for their own injuries and damages.

You may be wondering if injured pedestrians are entitled to compensation in these cases. The answer is that even if a pedestrian is found to be at fault, they may still be entitled to compensation, depending on the circumstances and the laws in their jurisdiction. Consulting with a pedestrian accident attorney can help clarify the legal options in such cases.

Third-Party Liability

In some cases, third-party liability may be a factor in a pedestrian accident. This can involve entities like auto manufacturers, engineering firms, or government agencies responsible for road maintenance. If a third party’s negligence or actions contributed to the accident, they may be held liable for the pedestrian’s injuries and damages.

A pedestrian accident attorney can help investigate and determine if third-party liability is a factor in the case and assist the injured pedestrian in seeking compensation.

Legal Rights and Compensation Options for Pedestrian Accident Victims

A pedestrian accident lawyer and a client discussing legal rights and compensation options for pedestrian accident victims

Pedestrian accident victims have legal rights and compensation options to help them recover from their injuries and losses. Understanding these rights and the types of compensation available can empower victims and ensure they receive the compensation they deserve.

A knowledgeable pedestrian accident attorney can help navigate the complex legal process and provide guidance on the best course of action for the injured pedestrian. With the assistance of pedestrian accident attorneys, victims can better understand their rights and seek the compensation they deserve.

Pedestrians’ Legal Rights

Pedestrians have certain legal rights in the event of an accident, such as the right of way. If injured by a vehicle, pedestrians have the right to pursue claims against the at-fault driver’s liability insurance, and in the case of a fatality, a pedestrian accident case may be filed.

While pedestrians have the right to use the roads in accordance with the law, it’s important to note that jaywalking is illegal, and pedestrians do not have the legal right to walk into the street and expect cars to stop or take evasive action.

Types of Compensation

Compensation for pedestrian accidents can include economic and non-economic damages, such as medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and emotional distress. In some cases, bodily injury liability coverage may also come into play. The specific types of compensation a pedestrian accident victim may be eligible for will depend on the details of their case and the laws in their jurisdiction.

A pedestrian accident lawyer can help evaluate the victim’s case and provide an approximation of the value of their claim, considering both immediate and future costs.

The Role of a Pedestrian Accident Lawyer in Your Case

A pedestrian accident lawyer discussing the role of a pedestrian accident lawyer in a case

A pedestrian accident lawyer plays a crucial role in representing and advocating for the injured pedestrian throughout their case. From investigating the accident to negotiating with insurance companies and also, if necessary, representing the victim in court, a pedestrian accident lawyer can provide invaluable legal counsel and support.

So, yes, it is essential to choose the right lawyer to ensure the best possible outcome and the highest level of compensation for the injured pedestrian.

Investigating the Accident

One of the tasks a pedestrian accident lawyer takes care of is investigating the accident to gather evidence and determine liability. This process may involve:

  • Reviewing the accident scene

  • Obtaining a police report

  • Interviewing witnesses

  • Consulting with experts

A thorough investigation is crucial to building a strong case and ensuring that the injured pedestrian receives fair compensation for their injuries and losses.

Negotiating with Insurance Companies

Pedestrian accident lawyers also negotiate with insurance companies to ensure fair compensation for the victim. This may involve:

  • Presenting a well-structured demand letter with relevant documents

  • Holding meetings with the insurance company

  • Researching the accident and injuries

  • Engaging in a dialogue with the claims adjuster

Having a skilled personal injury attorney handle these negotiations can greatly improve the chances of a favorable outcome and help the injured pedestrian receive the compensation they deserve. In such cases, personal injury attorneys play a crucial role in ensuring justice is served.

Representing You in Court

If a settlement cannot be reached through negotiation, a pedestrian accident lawyer will be able to represent the injured pedestrian in court. They will establish an attorney-client relationship, provide advice and assistance, and advocate for the client’s position.

Having a lawyer to represent you in court is beneficial, as they can:

  • Provide legal advice and assistance

  • Effectively advocate for your position

  • Help you comprehend the legal process

  • Ensure that your rights are protected

Tips for Choosing the Right Pedestrian Accident Attorney

A pedestrian accident lawyer and a client discussing tips for choosing the right pedestrian accident attorney

Choosing the right pedestrian accident attorney is crucial in ensuring the best possible outcome for your case. The right attorney will have:

  • Experience and a proven success rate in pedestrian accident cases

  • Strong communication skills

  • A good rapport with their clients

  • Works on a contingency fee basis, meaning they only get paid if they win your case

In this section, we’ll explore these tips in more detail to help you make an informed decision when choosing a pedestrian accident attorney.

Experience and Success Rate

Are you looking for a personal injury attorney? When selecting a pedestrian accident attorney, it’s important to consider their experience and success rate in handling cases similar to yours. Personal injury attorneys with a proven track record in pedestrian accident cases are more likely to achieve favorable outcomes and secure the compensation you deserve.

Don’t be afraid to ask potential attorneys about their experience and success rate in pedestrian accident cases to ensure you choose the best pedestrian accident lawyer for your needs.

Communication and Rapport

Strong communication skills and a good rapport with clients are essential qualities to look for in a pedestrian accident attorney. Personal injury lawyers who communicate effectively can help keep you informed throughout the legal process and ensure you feel comfortable discussing your case with them.

Establishing a positive relationship with your attorney can also foster trust and a comfortable working relationship, allowing the attorney to better understand your needs and provide the highest quality service.

Contingency Fees

When choosing a pedestrian accident attorney, it’s important to opt for one who works on a contingency fee basis. This means the attorney only gets paid if they win your case, eliminating the risk of incurring legal fees if the case is unsuccessful. Contingency fees are typically calculated as a percentage of the total amount recovered by the attorney for the client and may vary depending on the complexity of the case or the attorney’s expertise.

Understanding how contingency fees work can help you make an informed decision when choosing a pedestrian accident attorney.

Preventing Pedestrian Accidents: Safety Tips for Drivers and Pedestrians

driving, car, automobile

While it’s important to understand the legal aspects of pedestrian accidents, prevention is always the best course of action. By following safety tips for both drivers and pedestrians, we can reduce the risk of accidents and create safer roads for everyone.

In this section, we’ll explore safety tips for drivers and pedestrians, emphasizing the importance of vigilance, communication, and adhering to traffic laws to avoid serious injury, injury victims, and fatalities.

Driver Safety Tips

Driver safety is paramount in preventing pedestrian accidents. Here are some essential steps to ensure the safety of both drivers and pedestrians.

  • Stay alert

  • Obey traffic laws

  • Be cautious in areas with high pedestrian traffic

  • Avoid distractions, such as using cell phones or eating while driving, to maintain focus on the road and react promptly to any potential hazards.

By practicing safe driving habits, drivers can significantly reduce the risk of pedestrian accidents.

Pedestrian Safety Tips

Pedestrians also play a crucial role in preventing accidents. Here are some key safety tips for pedestrians to follow.

  • Use crosswalks

  • Stay visible

  • Be aware of your surroundings

  • Adhere to traffic signals

  • Avoid distractions, such as using electronic devices or engaging in conversations while crossing the street.

By following these safety tips, pedestrians can greatly reduce the risk of accidents and ensure their safety on the roads.

Full Summary

In conclusion, pedestrian accidents can be devastating, but understanding their common causes, identifying responsible parties, and knowing your legal rights can help ensure fair compensation for injured pedestrians.

By following safety tips for both drivers and pedestrians, we can work together to create safer roads for everyone. Remember, prevention is always the best course of action, so stay vigilant, communicate effectively, and adhere to traffic laws to reduce the risk of accidents.

If you or someone you care about has been injured in a pedestrian accident, please don’t hesitate to contact our team at Law Brothers Offices for a free consultation. Our experienced personal injury lawyers are available 24/7 to help you explore your legal options and determine the best course of action for your case. Call us at 800-222-2222 to schedule a consultation and learn more about how we can assist you.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the main cause of pedestrian accidents?

Recklessness on the part of drivers and pedestrians is one of the main causes of pedestrian accidents, with drivers not looking for pedestrians or obeying crosswalk laws putting pedestrians in danger.

Pedestrians can also be at fault for not paying attention to their surroundings or crossing the street without looking both ways. They may also be distracted by their phones or other devices, which can lead to dangerous situations.

Both drivers and pedestrians need to be careful at all times.

What type of vehicle cause more fatalities for pedestrians?

SUVs are the most dangerous type of vehicle for pedestrians, according to data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety.

Pickup trucks are also substantially more likely than cars to hit and kill pedestrians.

How can I determine the responsible party in a pedestrian accident?

An experienced pedestrian accident attorney can help investigate and determine who is responsible for the accident.

This should be your first step in determining liability.

What types of compensation are available for pedestrian accident victims?

Pedestrian accident victims may be eligible for a variety of types of compensation, such as medical costs, lost wages, and pain and suffering. 

Compensation may include medical costs for treatments and medications, lost wages due to time away from work, and compensation for pain and suffering.

Victims of pedestrian accidents should contact an experienced personal injury attorney to discuss their legal options.

What should I look for in a pedestrian accident attorney?

When looking for a pedestrian accident attorney, focus on their experience, communication style, how well you can relate to them, and whether or not they work on a contingency fee basis.

It is important to find an attorney who has experience in pedestrian accident cases, as they will be able to provide the best advice and guidance. Additionally, it is important to find an attorney who has a communication style that works for you. You should be able to easily do this.


What Our Clients Say

Honestly can't say enough positive things about the Law Brothers! I got into a severe car accident at the end of 2016 and they've been with me every step of the way ever since. Almost 4 years! I want to thank everyone there especially Caitlyn, Shawn, and Yasmeen. They have been responsive, helpful, and reassuring and I don't know what I would've done if I didn't have the legal support that I was able to get along the years. They are super professional and really helped me get through this hardship in my life. I would definitely recommend!!!

Ivonne K.

Last year I contacted your law firm when I got into a car accident. the gentleman that handled my case, his name was Cesar. Cesar was very helpful and compassionate about my situation. He helped me get my car fixed very quickly and was super patient with me. He answered all of my questions and ensured me that everything will be taken care of. Once my case was settled I ended up getting more than I was expecting, which was amazing. I highly recommended Cesar and this law firm to anyone that needs help.

William Charlton

I was a client to the Law Brothers firm for about a year, the staff is really nice and professional. I would get updates on the case status and when I did call I would usually get a call back within 24 hours. I really appreciate the work that was done for me. I got the most out of my settlement and when I called to have a break down of the costs, Genesis was very patient and gave me a break down on all of it. I will definitely recommend this law firm to friends and family, as well as call them in the future if needed (hopefully not soon).

Erendira Landa

I had gotten into an accident and had no idea what to do. Friends and family recommended I get a lawyer since I was not at fault. I found this firm and I was beyond impressed. They handled everything for me from car insurance questions to finding doctors for me to visit. After my accident all I had to do was make appointments with various doctors to help with my pain. I give five stars because this firm went above and beyond and continued to follow up with me. I highly recommend if you are in need of a lawyer to use them.

Jacqueline D.

The team at the Law Brothers we’re amazing! I am not the kind of person to seek legal counsel, but I was hit by a car while riding a motorcycle and the driver’s insurance was avoiding my attempts to get reimbursed. They were able to not only get a settlement that replaced my motorcycle, but they found me physical therapy which was close to my work. Now I am back to where I was physically before the accident and I am able to ride a motorcycle again. They were always responsive to my texts, calls, and emails. They even would systematically check to see how I was healing and if the support they linked me to was satisfactory.

Charles Mortensen

This law firm is a team of miracle workers! The Law Brothers Law Firm saved me from suffering at another law firm from Century City. My case manager Jonathan was able to gather all the details from my accident ( literally within a week! ) and keeping me updated consistenty to keep me at ease. They work diligently and keep at it until your case is completed. I went through a car accident that almost took my life away but thanks to the higher power and the Law Brothers, you won't even hesitate to choose them because I felt trust and integrity throughout my case and I feel happier in my life, which in my opinion, matters the most at the end of the day.

Jason Avelar

What Our Clients Say

Honestly can't say enough positive things about the Law Brothers! I got into a severe car accident at the end of 2016 and they've been with me every step of the way ever since. Almost 4 years! I want to thank everyone there especially Caitlyn, Shawn, and Yasmeen. They have been responsive, helpful, and reassuring and I don't know what I would've done if I didn't have the legal support that I was able to get along the years. They are super professional and really helped me get through this hardship in my life. I would definitely recommend!!!

Ivonne K.

Last year I contacted your law firm when I got into a car accident. the gentleman that handled my case, his name was Cesar. Cesar was very helpful and compassionate about my situation. He helped me get my car fixed very quickly and was super patient with me. He answered all of my questions and ensured me that everything will be taken care of. Once my case was settled I ended up getting more than I was expecting, which was amazing. I highly recommended Cesar and this law firm to anyone that needs help.

William Charlton

I was a client to the Law Brothers firm for about a year, the staff is really nice and professional. I would get updates on the case status and when I did call I would usually get a call back within 24 hours. I really appreciate the work that was done for me. I got the most out of my settlement and when I called to have a break down of the costs, Genesis was very patient and gave me a break down on all of it. I will definitely recommend this law firm to friends and family, as well as call them in the future if needed (hopefully not soon).

Erendira Landa

I had gotten into an accident and had no idea what to do. Friends and family recommended I get a lawyer since I was not at fault. I found this firm and I was beyond impressed. They handled everything for me from car insurance questions to finding doctors for me to visit. After my accident all I had to do was make appointments with various doctors to help with my pain. I give five stars because this firm went above and beyond and continued to follow up with me. I highly recommend if you are in need of a lawyer to use them.

Jacqueline D.

The team at the Law Brothers we’re amazing! I am not the kind of person to seek legal counsel, but I was hit by a car while riding a motorcycle and the driver’s insurance was avoiding my attempts to get reimbursed. They were able to not only get a settlement that replaced my motorcycle, but they found me physical therapy which was close to my work. Now I am back to where I was physically before the accident and I am able to ride a motorcycle again. They were always responsive to my texts, calls, and emails. They even would systematically check to see how I was healing and if the support they linked me to was satisfactory.

Charles Mortensen

This law firm is a team of miracle workers! The Law Brothers Law Firm saved me from suffering at another law firm from Century City. My case manager Jonathan was able to gather all the details from my accident ( literally within a week! ) and keeping me updated consistenty to keep me at ease. They work diligently and keep at it until your case is completed. I went through a car accident that almost took my life away but thanks to the higher power and the Law Brothers, you won't even hesitate to choose them because I felt trust and integrity throughout my case and I feel happier in my life, which in my opinion, matters the most at the end of the day.

Jason Avelar

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