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California Product Liability: What You Need to Know

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“Accountability breeds response-ability.” – Stephen R. Covey

Embarking on a journey through the intricate landscape of product liability law in California may seem daunting, especially when navigating the complexities of defective product claims. Fear not! It’s time to clarify California’s strict product liability laws so that you are able to pursue your own successful injury or loved one’s litigation for any damage caused by the faulty item(s). Keep all the pertinent information in mind as well as these key phrases: “liability”, “claim”, “defective”, etc. So you understand how to move forward within this highly specific area of legal responsibility.

For a California-based injury attorney or a Los Angeles car accident lawyer, be sure to contact Law Brothers.

Key Takeaways

  • Strict product liability holds manufacturers accountable for any damages caused by a defective product.

  • California Product Liability Law outlines legal action that can be pursued when someone is harmed due to negligence, strict liability, or breach of warranty from a defect in a product.

  • A personal injury law firm like Law Brothers offers specialized services and experience in navigating the complex process of pursuing legal action for product liability claims.

Understanding Strict Product Liability

Step into the world of absolute accountability, where manufacturers take the heat for damages caused by their faulty creations—no proof of negligence is needed! Forget digging into the manufacturer’s behavior; here, it’s all about the flaw in the product. It’s not just about the item itself; anyone can make claims, even if they’re not directly linked to the product. Brace yourself for bystanders staking their claim for harm caused by defects. In this legal dance, product defectiveness is the star, and manufacturers are front and center, facing the music for any damages caused by their flawed masterpieces.

Enter the legal battleground where product liability lawsuits spring to life on three fronts: manufacturers caught in the act of negligence, breaches of warranty stretching the limits of fitness expectations, and the heavyweight champion, strict/absolute liability. Brace for impact as consumers navigate risks tied to safety, rooted in the tumultuous world of manufacturing processes. It’s not just a legal saga; it’s a call to action for companies to face the music, compensating victims directly impacted by the fallout of their unsafe creations.

The Purpose of Strict Liability

Strict liability, or absolute product liability, as it is also known, was introduced through the Supreme Court of California case Escola v. Coca-Cola Bottling Co. in 1944 to protect consumers from any defective dangers associated with products under strict product liability law [1]. No negligence has to be proven against manufacturers. Rather, only showing that the product had a defect and caused injury/harm must suffice for the effective application of such liability laws as far as consumer protection goes, even if unreasonably dangerous itself!

Differences Between Strict Liability and Negligence

When it comes to product liability, strict liability and negligence are two terms that must be understood. Strict Liability involves holding the defendant responsible for any harm caused by a faulty or defective product, regardless of their intent or lack thereof. Whereas in cases of Negligence, proof has to be demonstrated proving the duty of care owed from one party to another was breached, leading to an injury incurred. In the McDonald’s hot coffee lawsuit (Liebeck v. McDonald’s Restaurants) as well as General Motors’ ignition switch case, there is ample evidence that proves an extreme contrast between these two types of liabilities, demonstrating just how important each one can be when relating to injuries sustained due to either situation.

What is California Product Liability Law?

products on a shelf

In the heart of California, the landscape of product liability claims unfolds with the potential to strike on various fronts—be it negligence, strict liability, or the breach of warranty. Picture this legal arena as a stage where claimants can seek compensation if injury or damage takes center stage due to any of these three circumstances. Manufacturers, beware: if the proof points to an inherent defect, the liability spotlight may shift your way. Under the legal spotlight of California, product liability claims dance through categories like defective design, manufacturing mishaps, and warranty dissatisfaction [2].

Navigate the legal stage with finesse; awareness of the applicable laws, especially those in the intricate world of product liabilities, is your ticket to success when pursuing recompense.

Types of Defects in Strict Product Liability Cases

Two people discussing strict product liability

Manufacturers walk a tightrope of product liability, teetering on the edge of three perilous types of defects: the missteps of manufacturing, the dangers embedded in design, and the pitfalls of insufficient warnings or instructions. Imagine manufacturing errors as the backstage blunders that render a product defective, design flaws as the lurking hazards even in a perfectly crafted item, and inadequate instructions as the script missing crucial cues for end-users. Picture these issues as the stars of the show, collectively known as product defects, casting shadows that could potentially give manufacturers a front-row seat to product liability concerns in the event of injuries stemming from their creations.

Manufacturing Defects

In the high-stakes world of product liability, manufacturing defects take center stage when a dangerous item strays from its intended design. Imagine the drama: missing components, faulty assembly, inferior parts, and subpar workmanship—all unfolding throughout production. Picture the scene: identifying these manufacturing flaws ahead of time becomes the plot twist crucial for ensuring consumer safety and avoiding potential risks like injuries or harm caused by the defective object. But here’s the plot twist—liability steals the spotlight when these situations unfold. Manufacturers, take note: it’s time for proactive steps to steal the show and dodge the pitfalls of product defects.

Design Defects

In the realm of product perils, design flaws take the stage, transforming even accurately manufactured goods into potential hazards. Imagine a car with brakes on the fritz, children’s toys with ingestible parts playing a dangerous game of hide-and-seek, ladders with steps more wobbly than a tightrope, and phones packing a heat-prone battery punch. Consider drugs lacking caution labels, unrecalled, and ready to wreak havoc. These are the villains of design defects. Manufacturers, it’s time for a makeover to avert customer injuries, dodge the legal cost storm, and safeguard your business from the pitfalls of diminished sales and eroding trust.

Inadequate Warnings or Instructions

In the maze of consumer safety, products without crystal-clear warnings or instructions can transform into silent threats, leaving consumers vulnerable in the absence of essential safety information. Get this image: toys and baby gear without age-specific labels, chemical products with vague handling directions, assembly instructions missing crucial guidance, and cautionary notices playing hide-and-seek with potential dangers. It’s a concern-packed scenario. To dodge the hazards and the cost pitfalls looming on the horizon, ensuring products are armed with proper cautionary measures is the ultimate key to keeping consumers safe and sound.

Parties Liable in Strict Product Liability Cases

a law office for product liability

Who is held responsible? When it comes to product liability cases, those who are held responsible for the consequences of defective products can range from manufacturers to distributors and retailers. Manufacturers must ensure that their goods are safe and may be liable even if no negligence is proven on their part. Distributors or sellers could also face accountability since, in a sense, they could act as representatives of producers when dealing with customers concerning faulty items. All parties involved remain responsible should any damages arise due to broken parts or poor-quality production components, regardless of fault levels considered necessary by law!


On their part, manufacturers are accountable for making sure that their products meet all safety regulations and lack any kind of fault. If a product is found to have design flaws, manufacturing deficiencies, or lacks warnings, which lead it to be defective and cause harm, the manufacturer can then become subject to liability in what would come under strict product liability law.

These producers must make an effort to test out items thoroughly before releasing them on the market. Accompany these with appropriate usage instructions as well as alert users about potential risks linked with the use of said merchandise so they can avoid getting into trouble due to being liable if something happens directly caused by defects within those goods.

Distributors and Retailers

Retailers and distributors can be held responsible for the defective products they put out on the market. Though there is no obligation on their part to inspect goods beforehand, any damage or loss caused by a faulty item puts them at risk of liability under strict responsibility laws [3]. It means that all parties involved in the distribution process are liable if it turns out that the items purchased had some kind of defect. Retailers bear an important task when it comes to providing customers with secure purchases free from defects.

Proving Your Strict Product Liability Claim

Launching a product liability claim is like entering a legal battleground, where plaintiffs must wield proof that the item’s flaw was not just a hiccup but a genuine threat when used as any regular Joe would. They also have to demonstrate how it caused them direct harm in terms such as medical expenses, lost wages, or pain and suffering. A lawyer specializing in this type of litigation can help maneuver any complications encountered while providing evidence for their case.

Establishing a Defect

Cracking the code of product liability demands a captivating legal performance! In order to prove a defect in the context of product liability, plaintiffs must demonstrate that when used as intended by a reasonable consumer, the product was defective and unreasonably dangerous. This could be shown through evidence indicating design flaws or manufacturing defects. Another key element is the failure to provide appropriate warnings or directions. For California-specific cases, it will need to be established that with an alternative design, the potential defect might have been avoided altogether.


Enter the courtroom spotlight: to clinch a product liability claim, the plaintiff must connect the dots, showing their damages stem directly from a flaw baked into the defendant’s item. Establishing causation through a strict product liability case can take multiple forms, such as defective auto parts resulting in damage from accidents, faulty electrical appliances sparking fires and damaging property, or even contaminated foods causing sicknesses due to unsafe children’s toys creating injuries.


When it comes to product liability, the damages awarded are often determined by several factors, such as where the case is being tried and what transpired. Damages in these cases typically cover medical costs of treatment incurred due to injury or illness resulting from a faulty product, lost wages that would have been gained prior to sustained injuries, and emotional pain and suffering caused by harm or trauma-related issues, all of which should be paid for according to their usual worth at given time periods respectively. Medical expenses can vary depending on pre-injury treatments, post-treatment therapies, and any future payments owed regarding them, while evaluations for wage loss consider money not made if an injured party had avoided getting hurt altogether.

Defenses to Strict Product Liability Claims

a strict product liability lawyer

Defendants in product liability claims related to vehicles or any other type of product may use specific defenses to protect their interests. These include contributory negligence, assumption of risk, misuse of the product, alterations made by someone other than the manufacturer, and lack of duty owed on behalf of a defendant. Knowing these potential counterarguments is important for both sides as it can have an influence on how such cases are decided in court. Understanding them all plays an integral role when bringing or defending against any kind of product liability claim at hand.

Assumption of Risk

Dive into the legal chessboard: in the game of product liability, defendants often aim to play the “assumption of risk” card. In a product liability case, the defendant typically attempts to prove the assumption of risk on the part of the plaintiff. This means that it must be established that the individual was aware of and comprehended any risks associated with using or being exposed to an alleged defect in a product but still chose willingly to take up this risk. For instance, if someone willfully chooses not to use something that has been labeled as potentially causing harm even after reading such warnings, then they are essentially assumed responsibility for their safety by themselves instead of expecting it from another party (like the manufacturer).

Misuse of the Product

Unleash the legal plot twist: in the intricate world of product liability, manufacturers hold a secret weapon. In matters concerning product liability, if a manufacturer can prove that the injury was caused by misuse of their product in an unexpected way, then they may be able to use this as a defense for their claim successfully. For instance, should someone burn themselves while using a hairdryer to dry clothes instead of hair, it might constitute misusing the device and provide justification against any charges made against them or involving any fault on behalf of its maker.

The Role of a Product Liability Attorney

a law text book about product liability

A product liability lawyer can be a great asset in helping people who have suffered damages from faulty products. By utilizing their familiarity with laws related to this type of issue, they are able to assess the strength of claims and go about collecting proof for legal proceedings such as negotiations for settlements or court processes where they seek that those affected get appropriate compensation due them. Professionals may also investigate specific items involved in litigation, consult other experts within the sector, and liaise with medical teams concerning injuries sustained by clients so that justice is upheld regarding defective goods.

Investigating the Claim

An attorney handling a product liability claim typically carries out actions like inspecting the product, saving proof, analyzing the scene of the incident, interviewing witnesses, and consulting expert opinion. It is very important to hold on to the item under consideration as well as have it looked at by an experienced professional in order to guarantee that any critical data will not be lost.

Dive into the courtroom drama: In the intricate dance of liability claims, expert testimony takes the stage, unraveling the technical tapestry and scientific secrets. This is because they are able to offer specialized knowledge and understanding necessary for enabling both courts of law and juries to understand various complex technical or scientific aspects regarding this kind of cases involving potential liability claims against parties who may potentially bear some degree of responsibility related negligence occurring from their products’ manufacture or design flaws.

Negotiating Settlements

In product liability cases, experienced attorneys often negotiate settlements to secure compensation for their clients. The process of negotiating a settlement starts with an initial investigation and collecting relevant evidence, such as identifying liable parties and assigning value to the case. Then, lawyers engage in negotiations with defendants or their insurance companies, striving to reach an agreement on terms beneficial to both sides. Depending on individual circumstances, it may take anywhere from several weeks to multiple months before settling is achieved.

Law Brothers: Product Liability Claim Representation

Law Brothers is one of the most reliable resources when it comes to product liability claims in California. Our law firm has excelled at representing victims who have been harmed due to defective products. Thus making them us leading personal injury practice for individuals seeking assistance concerning such matters.

Our company’s vast knowledge within the field allows us to offer support on all aspects related to product liability issues, including lawsuits involving faulty items that caused an individual any sort of harm or damage, from physical injuries to financial losses associated with this kind of liability.

Full Summary

Having a thorough comprehension of California’s intricate product liability system is essential for anyone harmed by a defective item. Knowing the laws related to strict product responsibility, what types of defects they refer to, who can be held liable, and how evidence in support must be established are effective methods one should possess when trying to get the remuneration one deserves. Having an experienced attorney with expertise in product liability – such as at Law Brothers firm – could help expedite navigating these claims successfully and fairly recompensing someone due to harms caused by flawed merchandise.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the 3 elements of strict liability?

Strict liability is when a plaintiff has experienced harm due to the presence of an unreasonably dangerous defect in a product. Thus creating legal obligations on the responsible parties.

What is the absolute liability coverage?

Absolute liability, also referred to as strict liability, is a type of legal responsibility imposed on the defendant wherein they become responsible for losses and damages that have been suffered regardless of whether there was an element of negligence or not. In this situation, the defendant can be held liable without it needing to be established that they acted carelessly.

What is absolute liability, in simple words?

Absolute liability is an obligation to be responsible for any wrongdoing or offense without having been negligent and with no need to establish mens rea (ill will). Under the concept of absolute liability, there does not have to be proof in order for a person to incur this type of responsibility.

What is the difference between strict liability and absolute liability?

When it comes to absolute liability, the defendant is always liable for any damage or injury caused with no defense option possible. On the contrary, when dealing with strict liability circumstances, a person might be held responsible and legally deemed liable only if their negligence was involved.

What is strict product liability?

Product liability places manufacturers under absolute responsibility for any harm inflicted by a faulty product without needing to demonstrate negligence. This is referred to as strict liability and applies even when there was no carelessness on the part of the manufacturer concerning creating or selling a defective item.


What Our Clients Say

Honestly can't say enough positive things about the Law Brothers! I got into a severe car accident at the end of 2016 and they've been with me every step of the way ever since. Almost 4 years! I want to thank everyone there especially Caitlyn, Shawn, and Yasmeen. They have been responsive, helpful, and reassuring and I don't know what I would've done if I didn't have the legal support that I was able to get along the years. They are super professional and really helped me get through this hardship in my life. I would definitely recommend!!!

Ivonne K.

Last year I contacted your law firm when I got into a car accident. the gentleman that handled my case, his name was Cesar. Cesar was very helpful and compassionate about my situation. He helped me get my car fixed very quickly and was super patient with me. He answered all of my questions and ensured me that everything will be taken care of. Once my case was settled I ended up getting more than I was expecting, which was amazing. I highly recommended Cesar and this law firm to anyone that needs help.

William Charlton

I was a client to the Law Brothers firm for about a year, the staff is really nice and professional. I would get updates on the case status and when I did call I would usually get a call back within 24 hours. I really appreciate the work that was done for me. I got the most out of my settlement and when I called to have a break down of the costs, Genesis was very patient and gave me a break down on all of it. I will definitely recommend this law firm to friends and family, as well as call them in the future if needed (hopefully not soon).

Erendira Landa

I had gotten into an accident and had no idea what to do. Friends and family recommended I get a lawyer since I was not at fault. I found this firm and I was beyond impressed. They handled everything for me from car insurance questions to finding doctors for me to visit. After my accident all I had to do was make appointments with various doctors to help with my pain. I give five stars because this firm went above and beyond and continued to follow up with me. I highly recommend if you are in need of a lawyer to use them.

Jacqueline D.

The team at the Law Brothers we’re amazing! I am not the kind of person to seek legal counsel, but I was hit by a car while riding a motorcycle and the driver’s insurance was avoiding my attempts to get reimbursed. They were able to not only get a settlement that replaced my motorcycle, but they found me physical therapy which was close to my work. Now I am back to where I was physically before the accident and I am able to ride a motorcycle again. They were always responsive to my texts, calls, and emails. They even would systematically check to see how I was healing and if the support they linked me to was satisfactory.

Charles Mortensen

This law firm is a team of miracle workers! The Law Brothers Law Firm saved me from suffering at another law firm from Century City. My case manager Jonathan was able to gather all the details from my accident ( literally within a week! ) and keeping me updated consistenty to keep me at ease. They work diligently and keep at it until your case is completed. I went through a car accident that almost took my life away but thanks to the higher power and the Law Brothers, you won't even hesitate to choose them because I felt trust and integrity throughout my case and I feel happier in my life, which in my opinion, matters the most at the end of the day.

Jason Avelar

What Our Clients Say

Honestly can't say enough positive things about the Law Brothers! I got into a severe car accident at the end of 2016 and they've been with me every step of the way ever since. Almost 4 years! I want to thank everyone there especially Caitlyn, Shawn, and Yasmeen. They have been responsive, helpful, and reassuring and I don't know what I would've done if I didn't have the legal support that I was able to get along the years. They are super professional and really helped me get through this hardship in my life. I would definitely recommend!!!

Ivonne K.

Last year I contacted your law firm when I got into a car accident. the gentleman that handled my case, his name was Cesar. Cesar was very helpful and compassionate about my situation. He helped me get my car fixed very quickly and was super patient with me. He answered all of my questions and ensured me that everything will be taken care of. Once my case was settled I ended up getting more than I was expecting, which was amazing. I highly recommended Cesar and this law firm to anyone that needs help.

William Charlton

I was a client to the Law Brothers firm for about a year, the staff is really nice and professional. I would get updates on the case status and when I did call I would usually get a call back within 24 hours. I really appreciate the work that was done for me. I got the most out of my settlement and when I called to have a break down of the costs, Genesis was very patient and gave me a break down on all of it. I will definitely recommend this law firm to friends and family, as well as call them in the future if needed (hopefully not soon).

Erendira Landa

I had gotten into an accident and had no idea what to do. Friends and family recommended I get a lawyer since I was not at fault. I found this firm and I was beyond impressed. They handled everything for me from car insurance questions to finding doctors for me to visit. After my accident all I had to do was make appointments with various doctors to help with my pain. I give five stars because this firm went above and beyond and continued to follow up with me. I highly recommend if you are in need of a lawyer to use them.

Jacqueline D.

The team at the Law Brothers we’re amazing! I am not the kind of person to seek legal counsel, but I was hit by a car while riding a motorcycle and the driver’s insurance was avoiding my attempts to get reimbursed. They were able to not only get a settlement that replaced my motorcycle, but they found me physical therapy which was close to my work. Now I am back to where I was physically before the accident and I am able to ride a motorcycle again. They were always responsive to my texts, calls, and emails. They even would systematically check to see how I was healing and if the support they linked me to was satisfactory.

Charles Mortensen

This law firm is a team of miracle workers! The Law Brothers Law Firm saved me from suffering at another law firm from Century City. My case manager Jonathan was able to gather all the details from my accident ( literally within a week! ) and keeping me updated consistenty to keep me at ease. They work diligently and keep at it until your case is completed. I went through a car accident that almost took my life away but thanks to the higher power and the Law Brothers, you won't even hesitate to choose them because I felt trust and integrity throughout my case and I feel happier in my life, which in my opinion, matters the most at the end of the day.

Jason Avelar

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