The insurance company is not on your side. You may think that insurance companies are there to help you in times of emergency, but like every other business, their number one interest is their profits. Even if you have a legitimate claim, they may give you the runaround and make it difficult for you to get the compensation you are entitled to.
If you want to get full and fair compensation for your damages (medical bills, lost wages, property damage, pain and suffering, etc.), you must be able to beat the insurance company at their own game. Here’s how:
- If the insurance company denies your claim, request a written explanation. Because you have a legal right to this information, the company must meet your request.
- Get your paperwork in order. Retain any document you have signed from the insurance company in addition to your original policy and an overview of your benefits. If you are missing any documents, you can request them from the insurance company.
- Conduct a close review of all your documents. It is highly advised that you get a professional set of eyes to look at your documents and determine whether your claim was rightfully denied.
- Make sure your signature was not forged. Shocking fact, insurance companies have been known to engage in this shady and deceitful practice in the past. Any document that bears your signature, make sure they’re legit.
- Keep all receipts and put all requests in writing. You want to keep a meticulous record of every communication and transaction that you have with the insurance company. Otherwise, any gaps may be exploited to reduce or deny your claim.
- Filing errors are not grounds for denial. If the insurance company says otherwise, challenge them. If you don’t show them that you are well aware of your rights, they will keep trying to push you around.
- Consult with an experienced attorney. This should really be the first step. Insurance companies are much more likely to play fair when an attorney is present. Also, initial consultations are almost always free, so there’s literally zero risk to calling an attorney.
At the Law Brothers®, our award-winning team of accident attorneys have extensive experience handling these types of cases for clients. We can help you get your medical bills paid, your vehicle repaired or replaced, and your damages fully compensated for, with no upfront out-of-pocket costs to you. To speak with an attorney now, call (800) 222-2222.